Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm Moving To Wordpress!

Yup, sorry Blogspot fans! Sure Blogger was really easy to set up, but I just find Wordpress a whole lot better to use in my own opinion of course. And it's really annoying to continuously update to both blogs.

So anyways, yeah. If you like my blog, subscribe to me on Wordpress! Through Google Reader or or email or whatever. Bookmarking works too I suppose, for those of you that don't use subscribers.

While I'm at it, I might as well advertise my friends' blogs too. - A blog of puns by the great Pun Master. - A comic about Shark. And Family. By FunkyPhreshShark.

I'll still keep my Blogspot up, but I won't be updating it everyday.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Crystal Tree

"This is a timeline of crabs you've killed. The further you walk down, the older it gets."
I walked down the path sloped downhill slightly. Giant crab legs sprouted out of the sides of the road. I walked down further, and the road gradually turned steeper, until I found myself climbing down the side of a cliff. The crab legs here were older and smaller. I occasionally saw the dead body of a sea horse a puffer fish. The Sea King's army. At the bottom of the cliff, the ocean waves crashed into the cliff, making peaceful sounds like that of a beach. Except probably more violent. Like, krr-aaaaash. Krr-aaaash. As opposed to Ssss-plaaa. Shh.
The cold water splashed onto my face, and all the droplets felt like a fine mist. A pale pine tree stood in the middle of all the splashing waves. I'm not sure if the tree floated on water, or if the tree trunk extended all the way to the bottom. I never bothered checking before. Each pine leaf glittered white, almost like a crystal. The tree trunk retained its natural brown color, and seemed to grow taller every time I saw the tree. At the top of the tree, the spiny leaves clustered and formed a diamond. I don't know why the Sea King wants the tree, but I knew the island would crumble without this crystal tree.
A seagull cried out behind me. It flapped its wings and cried at me. Suddenly, it took flight and zoomed towards the white tree. Great, now the Sky King wants the tree to. I punched the seagull down. Because I can. Soon, the Sky King will probably be sending those stupid vultures or eagle or albatross...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whoo, 100 visits!

Actually my Blogger blog hit 100 visits a long time ago. I wasn't paying attention I guess. I mean, 100 isn't even all that much.

I'll have to do something cool. Tomorrow.

EDIT: I also have 3 views from Denmark and 1 view from Malaysia. Awesome.

I Spent Way Too Much Time

Making this simple logo.

Actually, that was easy. I spent way too much time doing stupid lighting effects.

What can I say, I love me some poorly done glowy stuff.

Blogger doesn't allow for it looks even worse!

Friday, February 11, 2011


1. In a circular flow diagram, which of the following is true in the product market?
A) Households sell goods and services to business firms.
B) Households sell resources to business firms.
C) Business firms sell resources to households.
D) Business firms sell good and services to households.
E) Households buy resources from business firms.

2. Did you get the previous question correct?
A) Yes
B) No
C) The previous question was rigged; there were no correct answers.
D) This question is rigged; there are no correct answers.

3. Did you write your name on the test?
A) Yes
B) Yes
C) Yes
D) Yes

4. Hello ______(Your Name). How are you?
A) Fine, how are you?
B) Why do you ask?
C) Terrible.
D) I see colooouuuurs.
E) Other ___________________(If Other, Please Detail Here)

5. Do you know why you’re here?
A) No
B) Yes
C) I’m afraid to answer.
D) I won’t talk!

6. Do you know where you are?
A) It’s too dark to see.
B) The basement of my house.
C) I’m blindfolded!
D) It sounds like there’s water nearby.
E) Heaven.

7. How would you feel if we told you your previous answer was wrong?
A) Surprised
B) Expected
C) Sad
D) What?! There’s no way I can be wrong!
E) I know what you’re up to!

8. Aren’t you lonely? We wouldn’t mind if you invited friends over.
A) I don’t have any friends.
B) Where is Abad?
C) Where is Rachel?
D) I won’t let you get to my friends.
E) I have you to keep my company.

9. What is the volume of y = ln(x^2) rotated around x = 3, from x = 1 to 5?
A) 4pi
B) e^2
C) 5^(1/2)
D) These are all wrong.

10. How far back can you remember?
A) 10 years
B) 20 years
C) 20 years
D) 30 years
E) 40 years

11. You remember what happened then, don’t you?
A) Of course I remember!
B) I have no clue what you’re talking about.
C) Oh god, you’re...
D) Why, what happened?
E) That restaurant was great.

12. We need to know the truth. Where is Cade?
A) Yeah, where is he? He owes me money.
B) I don’t know.
C) I won’t tell you.
D) He’s at school.

13. He’s dead.
A) What?! He’s dead?!
B) This isn’t a question.
C) No he’s not.
D) I remember now...

14. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
A) Strawberry.
B) Chocolate.
C) Vanilla.
D) Caramel.
E) Mint.

15. That was Rachel’s favorite ice cream too. When did you last see her?
A) Just yesterday.
B) Who is Rachel?
C) Ten years ago.
D) Two weeks in the future.
E) She didn’t eat ice cream.

16. We see you’re struggling. With both the questions and your binds. How does that feel?
A) Uncomfortable
B) I’m not struggling.
C) Are these ropes?
D) Are these...chains?
E) Are these...super glue?

17. Is “I like” a complete sentence?
A) Yes, it has a subject and verb.
B) No, it doesn’t contain a complete thought.
C) Wait, why am I bound?
D) None of the above.

18. What happened to Smeagle at the end of The Lord of the Rings?
A) He died
B) He got the ring
C) He wasn’t in the end.
D) He ran away.
E) All of the above.

19. What happened to Cade at the end of his life?
A) He died.
B) He got...
C) He drowned her.
D) He was drowned.
E) I drowned him.

20. Thank you, we have learned a lot. Please pass the test forward.
A) I can’t, I’m tied.
B) Is this a camera?
C) Who are you?
D) x = 4dy/dt

Answer Key:
1) D 2) E 3) A 4) D 5) C 6) A 7)D 8)E 9) T 10) O 11) B 12) E 13) C 14) O 15) N 16) T 17) I 18) N 19) U 20) E 21) D

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So I realized that I can churn out bad pictures just as fast as I can churn out bad stories.
Yay for poorly drawn pictures! I won't be adding ugly pictures like these to the picture archive.

My stories are probably better so I'll still do those more often.

Also, I'm thinking of moving to WordPress since it looks better.

Also also, yes, those three skinny things on his hands are fingers. I bet you wish you could do that with your fingers. Unfortunately he lacks thumbs.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Guilt Man

Oh wow. I wrote this 6/17/2009. That was so long ago...for some for-fun-competition I forget.
I was looking through old Google Documents, when I noticed a "post to blog" function. How convenient! I think I'll use that more often now.

May 5, 2005
It's nearing the anniversary of my wife's death. I walked with John to the section of the building he worked in. I worked on the other side, but I came anyway since he had a conspiracy story concerning my wife's death he wanted to tell me. It's been eleven years.

May 6, 2005
There was a meeting today. It was on the side John worked at. Uncommon, but not unheard of. I found an open door I've never noticed before, since I don't usually come here. I felt its open mouth was calling to me. It seemed so familiar.

May 9, 2005
I returned today to check out the door. It was locked. I peered through its small foggy window to see a dark room. I could have sworn for a second I saw a figure on the ground, watching me with its empty eyes. The medication I take this time of year can cause hallucinations.

May 10, 2005
I talked to my doctor today. He said I probably won't need the medication anymore anyways. It's been eleven years after all. I never noticed this until now, but I think I may have met my doctor from somewhere else before.

May 11, 2005
Last night, the dreams started coming back. My deceased wife called out to me with a horrible look on her face. I remember now. It's been eleven years. The watching figure from the room made an appearance as well. I think it will be better if I continue my medication.

May 12, 2005
Restful sleep, no dreams. Today, I have to work overtime to pay for my bills in time. John called asking to pick something up from his office for him. It was getting dark, and as I walked through the corridors to the other side, I could hear my footsteps through the silence. As I passed the room from before, I ventured a quick peek through its window and froze. A pale face was pressed against the window, its mouth open in a ghastly way. There was congealed blood on the edges of the window as if it had been there forever. Worst of all, its eyes were open in fright, and locked with mine, unblinking. It was my wife.

May 13, 2005
Today was the day. The anniversary. I was so scared. But it's alright now. I won't need my special sleep pills. I'm in jail now. I confessed to the police. I killed my wife, in that same room. They believed me. From here, I could see John talking to a police. He looked just like my doctor. He said to the officer, "And you said that it was a lame super power."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Picture Archive Added!

I'm not a good artist either...but it's fun to draw. Who knows, maybe I just might become...good...


Monday, February 7, 2011

Lost in a Maze

Little Petey scurried along on his four, stubby legs. Bonk, he ran into a wall. Petey examined the wall with his red, beady eyes. The brown wall looked smooth, but not entirely smooth, kind of like paper smooth. Not this way.
Petey sniffed around, and picked up the scent of salted peanuts from a freshly opened bag. Left. He would go left.
Bonk, another wall. Similar to the last, but not the same wall. Sniff, bonk, wall. Sniff, bonk, wall.

"I think he's lost," scientist A said. In his left hand, he held a clipboard with figures and sheets, and in his right hand he scribbled furiously with a black pen.
"What mouse was this one? He received the drugs from the new batch didn't he?" scientist B said. He adjusted his glasses and peeked at his peer's clipboard.
"What's up guys?" scientist Timanthorexington said. "I'm cool because I have a name, even if I only have one other line of dialogue other than this random introductory sentence."

Petey ran through the maze. Sniff, bonk, wall. Sniff, bonk, ...wall? This wall felt different from the others. Petey nudged it, and the wall bent inwards slightly. Petey gave the wall a stronger nudge, and the wall fell.

"Nono," scientist B scolded, pointing at scientist A's clipboard. "That's not right."
"I know what I'm doing!" Scientist A snatched his notes away. "I already made sure I have the right amount of sig figs. And last I checked, 2+5 is most definitely 7, nitwit."
"Uh...guys?" Timanthorexington asked. "I think our little mouse buddy got away."
"What?!" scientist B shouted. He ran over to the maze, and adjusted his glasses again. Sure enough, the maze was missing a wall, and the mouse could not be found.
"Blast it! This is all your fault!" scientist B accused scientist A.

Petey scurried along, this time the floor felt cold and hard. And unwelcoming. Bonk, Petey ran into a wall. The white, hard wall loomed high into the sky, and extended in both directions further than Petey could see. Petey sniffed, but only the stinging smell of isopropyl alcohol reached him. For the first time, Petey paniced. He was lost.

Scientist A walked through long corridors, his shoes making clack, clack sounds against the tiled floors. He held a wire cage in his arms.
Scientist B followed behind, whispering, "This is all your fault!" Scientist B stopped, and adjusted his glasses. Then he adjusted them again. "I think we found our mouse." Petey ran in front of them, in vicious circles.
"Gotcha!" scientist A shouted, banging the cage down on Petey, and locked the doors.

Petey scurried along, and ran into a wall. Brown and smooth. He sniffed, and smelled the comfortable scent of peanuts. He was home.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just To Clarify

When I write in first person and I don't specify who the narrating character is, it's usually me, the author. And I assure you, all these first hand experiences are true and really did happen to me!

Let's Play Truth Or Dare!

What did I do to get into jail? Well after I burned down an orphanage, I-
Wait, what do you mean I'm not supposed to lie? Actually telling the truth would be boring.
Like, so one time I was playing truth and dare with my best friend, Jack. Okay fine, he wasn't my best friend. In fact, we barely knew each other, but I was bored and wanted to play with him anyways. He asked me in his grouchy voice, "What's the worst thing you've ever done?"
What a noisy question right? And really, the worst thing I ever did was super boring, so I decided to lie. It's not like he would know yeah?
So I said, "I killed Maragaret."
The dude's eyes widened really wide, and shouted, "You! You killed my sister!"
What the hell man? I just made up that name, how was I supposed to know he had a murdered sister named Maragaret. I tried to clarify the situation, but Jack wouldn't hear any of it, and called the police. It didn't help either, when the police found my handgun collection in my room. It's just a mere coincidence that I had a similar gun used to kill Maragaret!
So that's why I'm here in jail. For a while at least, until they clarify that I really didn't kill Margaret.
All right, fine, that whole story was a lie. I really did burn down an orphanage. Not like there were any orphans living there though, it was empty! Mostly.
Anyways, your turn. I dare you to not rape me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Previous Junk

Well I did have a story I wanted to write about, but I spent too much time goofing off today. And now I'm tired.
So instead, take these old, bad stories.

Chocolate vs Vanilla

Dear Karen

First Story

I Once Ate A Candy Bar

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning


That's Not My Name

The Day My Grandmother Blew Up

The Women and Their Chickens

Yup, like I said, all bad.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I Found Some Treasure Today!

So I was walking to math class (Oh god, I failed the BC test) right? And I saw blue stone sparkling on the ground. The shiny and tiny stone called out to me, begging me to pick it up. I entered a heated debate with it, considering the ethics of picking up a stranger to me, even if it was just a talking stone.
Actually, it begged metaphorically. In my mind. I just begrudgingly picked up the stone, and pretended to debate with it. Doesn't matter. So I examined the stone carefully, and I noticed that -
I dropped the stone, and it made a little clink noise as it hit the concrete ground. What was that? I stared at the small, shiny stone. It stared back at me, and seemed to be gloating or mocking, and daring me to pick it up again.
Metaphorically of course.
I stepped on the stone, but y'know, it didn't really do anything. Despite common sense dictating not to, I picked the stone up again. A wave of nausea swept through my head, but I clenched onto that stone, and crushed it with my bear hands. Metaphorically of course; my hands were bare, not bear.
Actually, not so metaphorically. Blue, sparkling dust rested in my hand, quite literally crushed. I brought my hand closer to my face, and closely examined the dust. Sparkling, saphire, quite pretty actually. I laughed, having exacted my revenge against the stone. Then I sneezed.
Metaphorically of course.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Am I Dreaming?

This all feels so unreal. I look at my hand. Six fingers. Am I dreaming? I wander through the dark halls of my home. I somehow managed to make my way to my bed without tripping, despite my room being pitch black and scattered with books, ropes, giant one foot die, bubble wrap swords, and an overgrowth of vines. I lay down on my bed, which felt incredibly warm because a nearby toaster radiated heat. I put my head down on the pillow. It was so soft, and I instantly drifted away...
You wake up. Everything seems normal. Your alarm clock was ringing. It had an annoying ring; it sang out a song that you just can't remember. You yawn as you shut off your ringing alarm monkey. You got out of bed, fully clothed and headed towards the window. You opened the window, and a fresh breeze rolled in. You stepped out of the window, onto a cloud. It feels cold and wet, and also so real. You walked to school, but when you arrived, no one was there because today was Saturday. You start heading back, but you forgot something.
Ted yawned. It had been a hard day of work at the factory. The factory was a large, pyramid shaped building. Its completely black, cool surface was polished to a fancy shine. There seemed to be no windows. Ted stared at the building, trying to remember what he accomplished there today. Then he tried to remember what he did there at all. Something important, no doubt. Ted walked through the completely empty parking lot to his small, rusted car. He got inside and drove the car for a bit. The controls were unresponsive though, so he just set the car to autopilot and sat back. He yawned, feeling bored. Ted got out of his seat to the back of the car and dove into a pool. The water felt muffling and wet, but lacked any temperature. Ted swam to the bottom, forgetting his need to breathe. He found his way to an underwater cavern. A dragon roared from inside, and bones and food particles flew out, along with Ted's bed. It had been a hard day of work at the factory. Ted went to bed.
My toaster buzzed, and I woke up with a jolt. Feeling exceptionally groggy, I rubbed my eyes with my hands. I stared at my hands. I had six fingers. Am I drea-
Oh wait. I do have six fingers, nevermind. I guess I am awake. I should probably clean out the vines in my room. My toaster buzzed again, and my toaster shot two pieces of toast into the air. I somersaulted out of bad, put on my clothes, caught the toast in my teeth, and landed upside down balanced on my left hand. Man, am I glad I put my toaster next to my bed.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Apocalypse in Eight Days

On the first day, everything seemed normal.

On the second day, the sun rose, casting its red rays on the fluffy white clouds. Breathtaking, beautiful, an assortment of reds, purples, oranges, and blues. The sky stayed this color the rest of the day.

The third day. The colors of the sky began to blend together, forming a darkish rainbow throughout the whole sky. Coldness, frost covered grass, cars, trees. Both the sun and moon hung in the sky. So bright, so vibrant, so aesthetic.

The fourth day. The air grew thick and humid. It became hard to talk. It became hard to breathe. The oceans are restless. Silence everywhere. The colorful sky grew darker, the moon turned brighter. The sun did not set.

Fifth day. Silence broken. The sound of that terribly annoying high pitched noise like putting your ear next to an old tv. The moon seemed larger. Rain, lots of rain, but the sun still hung in the sky. A pretty rainbow. The air smelled sweet, birds sang. Ocean levels rose, flooded.

Sixth day. The rainbow twisted itself into a wicked smile. The oceans fell. Dryness, heat, paranoia. Paranoia? The moon descended. The sun, still in the sky, changed shapes. It's a square now. The sound of nails on a chalkboard. Dirty, uncut nails. The smell of cigarettes masked by a sweet perfume.

Seventh. Everything back to normal.

Eighth. The sun rose, casting its red rays on the fluffy white clouds. Breathtaking, beautiful, an assortment of reds, purples, oranges, and blues.